Male Overall Winners!!! Robert Jackson, Zach Ashe, Sean Kernan & Brett Daly
Mixed Overall Winners!!! Mark Harris, Keith Jones, Jean Donaldson & Dane Donaldson
Female Overall Winners!!! Michelle Coates, Davidia Thompson, Toni Prince & Lynn Blackwell
With each new year comes even more growth. From (7) teams in the first year (2018) to (25) teams in 2021, the 4th annual Royal Classic is gaining traction on the golf circuit.
The weather was perfect, the golfers were excited to be in attendance and as always the VWP Team and Volunteers rose to the occasion.
Overall, it was indeed another Successful Event and we are looking forward to the 5th Annual Royal Classic, June 18, 2022.
Team Johnson (Troy Johnson pictured left)
Traveling all the way from Alpharetta Georgia to join us for his 2nd consecutive year was Troy Johnson. Troy was this year's recipient of a $50 gas card and an invitation to membership from our partners at Dixon Golf. Thank you Troy for your continued support and we hope to see you and your team again next year.